Våre Forretningsløsninger

Espero AS leverer profesjonelle løsninger og tjenester for små og mellomstore bedrifter. Vi er spesialisert på forretningsløsinger som ERP og CRM.

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Alle løsninger kan leveres som skyløsninger, på egne servere eller som hybridløsninger.

Vi tar ansvar, se våre tjenester.


Soft4 Realestate er en fullverdig og fleksibel ERP- løsning spesiallaget for kommersielle eiendomsbedrifter som eier eller administrerer detaljhandel, kontor eller industrielle eiendommer.

Dynamics 365 Business Central

​Den komplette ERP løsningen lokalt eller i skyen for bedrifter fra 1 til 200 ansatte. Tidlegere kalt NAV. Programvare for Regnskap, Ordre, Lager, Innkjøp, Produksjon, Service og CRM

Dynamics 365 BC for Service

Programvare for hele din bedrift med en sterk modul for Service, slik at du holder dine ansatt og kunder fornøyde. Du får god oversikt over dine ressurser, oppgaver og avtaler, samt bedre kontroll på lageret. 

Dynamics 365 BC for Produksjon

​Produksjonsløsningen. hjelper deg uansett om  du produserer til lager eller du produserer på ordre/prosjekter. Løsningen lar  deg forbedre alle prosseser din bedrift. QA gir fornøyde kunder.

Soft4Lessee IFRS16

Dersom du leier utstyr, biler eller eindom: Soft4Lessee er et programvareverktøy for leieregnskap under IFRS 16.  Løsningen holder orden og oppdaterer ditt regnskap i h.t de nye reglene.

Webshop og Online marketing

Vi leverer All-In-One plattform for WebShop, Websider, Content Management, Online Marketing. Alt integrert med en live integrasjon mot ditt ERP- system.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales (CRM)

En CRM- løsning er viktig for å få god oversikt over sine kunder og kundeaktiviteter, og Dynamics 365 Sale er en integrert del av Dynamics- løsningene.

Effektivisering av manuelle prossesser

Efektivisering og automatisering av inngående og utgående fakturar. Godkjenning av fakturar.  Automatisk overføring av filerer mellom bank, kunder og leverandører.  


​Trenger du å effektivisere jobben med å stemme av transakjoner? Vi avstemmer inntil 95 % av dine transakjoner automatisk, enten de kommer fra banken eller fra andre eksterne systemer.


Fører du lønn har vi løsningen for deg. Vi arbeider med flere løsninger, deriblant Hult & Lillevik.

Microsoft Office 365

Espero AS kan hjelpe deg med å få full utnyttelse av både ERP- løsningen og Microsoft Office 365. Vi integrerer og tilpasser dette etter bedriftens behov.

Er du i rute med IFRS16 avtalene dine? 
Vi har IFRS 16 verktøy, og kompetanse som kan hjelpe deg!

Trykk her for info om hvordan vi kan hjelpe deg 







Project Name:

AB „Lietkabelis“ investments in automation and digitization of production by increasing work productivity, LT07-1-EIM-K05-006

Total project’s eligible costs:

1686 376 Eur

Grant funding:

600 000  Eur

Project Promoter:

AB “Lietkabelis”

Project partners:

Espero AS


AB „Lietkabelis“ and Espero AS, the Norwegian partner, will cooperate in implementing a new automotive cable production line using digital technologies. Espero AS will provide its expertise in the field of digital technologies to help AB „Lietkabelis“. This will increase efficiency, reduce waste, increase production capacity and increase labor productivity. AB „Lietkabelis“ will benefit from the partnership by reducing costs and improving production processes. The partnership is expected to contribute to the long-term growth and competitiveness of both companies, as well as to the strengthening of bilateral relations between Norway and Lithuania.

Summary of the project idea:

  • How will implementation of the project help to increase competitiveness of project promoter?

The project involves installing innovative digital equipment to optimize the production process, reduce waste, and increase efficiency, leading to lower production costs and higher-quality products. The use of digital technology will enable AB „Lietkabelis“ to produce sustainable products, meeting the growing market demand. The partnership with a Norwegian company will provide AB „Lietkabelis“ access to the partner's expertise in implementing ICT (digital technologies) and optimization solutions, which will improve the company's competitiveness. The project will expand the company's production capacity, offering higher value-added products and positioning it as a leader in green industry development in Lithuania, enhancing its brand image and attracting more customers and investors.

  • What is the added value of partnership? How will partners contribute into achieving project results?

Espero AS has a lot of experience in implementing digital technologies and optimization solutions for production companies, which will be very useful for AB „Lietkabelis“ in the implementation of the new digitalized production line. The partnership will enable AB „Lietkabelis“ to learn from the best practices and expertise of Espero AS in the field of ICT, ERP  and digitalization. This will allow AB „Lietkabelis“ to improve its own production processes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. The partnership with Espero AS will also enable AB „Lietkabelis“ to expand its network and create new business opportunities. Through the cooperation, AB „Lietkabelis“ will gain access to new markets, customers, and suppliers, which will contribute to its overall competitiveness. The partnership with Espero AS will help to strengthen bilateral relations between Norway and Lithuania, which is also an added value of the cooperation.

The project will create new opportunities for Lithuanian and Norwegian companies to collaborate in the future and develop innovative solutions for the industry, contributing to the growth of both economies.

  • What is the major aim of the project? What problems will be solved and what benefits will it bring to the consumers/society at large?

The major aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness of AB „Lietkabelis“ by investing in the latest digitalized production and ICT technologies and expanding its production capacity. The project will solve the problem of meeting the growing demand for more sustainable products that adhere to the principles of green industry, circular and digital economy, and the EU's goals for a sustainable economy and ecology. By implementing innovative ICT-integrated equipment, the planning and production of automotive wires will be automated, more efficient, and less polluting, with a minimized amount of waste generated. This will allow AB „Lietkabelis“ to expand its production capacity, increase work productivity, and offer products with higher added value to the market.

The project's benefits include producing more sustainable products, creating jobs, expanding the company's network, and fostering bilateral relations between Norway and Lithuania. It will promote business cooperation, innovation, and growth in the Lithuanian economy, ultimately increasing the competitiveness of AB „Lietkabelis“ and establishing Lithuania as a developer of green industry.


For more information please contact:

 Alvydas Vaičiūnas

AB Lietkabelis

Technical director

Tel.: +370 45 502700

Mobil.: +370 682 69588

E-mail: alvydas@lietkabelis.lt


Further information about the programme:

